ASTRALAstral Pipes specializes in manufacturing world class plumbing, drainage, fire sprinkler and conduit piping systems for both residential and commercial applications, CPVC piping systems for industrial applications
ACOIndustries generating waste water must have pre-treatment plants to ensure that solids and liquids that release harmful and unpleasant vapours, attack building materials and drainage installations or interfere with operations, are not discharged into public pipelines.
B-METERSB Meters instruments and solutions for water and thermal energy metering in the utility, residential and industrial sectors with related remote reading systems.
GREASLYGreasly grease seperator is designed to remove grease contaminants from waste water. The separator was developed in full accordance with the requirements of EN 1825 standard.
LOROLOROs philosophy is the development of proprietary roof-drainage-systems and the view on the complete drainage system from the Drain to the Ground.

LOROs philosophy is the development of proprietary roof-drainage-systems and the view on the complete drainage system from the Drain to the Ground. Read More

Greasly grease separator is designed to remove grease contaminants from waste water. The separator was developed in full accordance with the requirements of EN 1825 standard. Read More

The purpose of an Air Admittance Valve is to provide a method of allowing air to enter the plumbing drainage system without the use of a vent extended to open air and to prevent sewer gases from escaping Read More

About Us
Marketing M & E 2000 is regarded as a leading provider of quality plumbing and sanitary product in Singapore. Over the years, we have supplied high quality products origin from Europe and America in numerous projects for many sectors in Singapore, as well as regional.
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Why recommend HDPE Grease Trap
Why we Recommend HDPE Grease Trap for Food Businesses Grease traps or grease interceptors are common plumbing components in commercial food establishments. They are installed in areas where waste water is being drained for the purpose of trapping grease, oil, and dirt before they enter the water pipes. Wikipedia says that grease traps have been
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