Why recommend HDPE Grease Trap

Why we Recommend HDPE Grease Trap for Food Businesses

Grease traps or grease interceptors are common plumbing components in commercial food establishments. They are installed in areas where waste water is being drained for the purpose of trapping grease, oil, and dirt before they enter the water pipes.

Wikipedia says that grease traps have been in existence since the 18th century. They can be located above ground, below ground, inside the kitchen, or outside the building.

Different kinds of grease traps
There are several kinds of grease traps and they differ in construction and operation. These three kinds are High Density Poly Ethylene or HDPE Grease Trap, Gravity Grease Trap, and Automatic Grease Removal Unit or AGRU.

Gravity Grease Trap
Gravity Grease Trap is the largest kind which utilizes several compartments in order to trap fats, oil, and grease. It basically operates by allowing waste water to flow through its many compartments until all the dirt and grease are drained and left floating at the upper part of the unit.

Automatic Grease Removal Unit
The AGRU, on the other hand, is a smaller and more advanced grease interceptor that uses a motor in order to separate grease and fats from wastewater. This motor is mechanically or electrically powered.

HDPE Grease Trap

Among the three, we recommend High Density Polyethylene or HDPE grease traps for commercial establishments because they are very durable and cost efficient. They last for 10 years or more as compared to grease separators made out of cast iron with an average lifetime of only 5 years. HDPE grease traps are sealed with thick and dense gaskets to ensure zero chance for leaks and spills.

HDPEs are also recommended for food establishments because they are
Made of stronger and heavy-duty material called polyethylene
Easy to maintain and install
More portable than gravity grease traps

The only setback in using HDPEs is that you have to regularly clean them to avoid decay and a foul odor.

Which HDPE grease trap design works for you?

In choosing the kind of HDPE grease trap for your business, you must consider several factors.
Grease retention capacity
How much fat, oil, and grease do you consume for food production or preparation? By answering this question, your grease trap supplier can recommend the grease retention capacity requirement of your business.
Flow rate
Measure the wastewater that your facility disposes everyday. Knowing this will help you to determine the flow rate requirement for your HDPE grease interceptor.
HDPE grease traps come in different sizes. Determine how much space you can spare for your grease trap unit or how much space is available in the kitchen of your food establishment. See if there’s an HDPE grease interceptor of the appropriate size with the specs that you need.
Code compliance
The plumbing authority in Singapore, the PUB, determines what kind of grease trap you should install in your restaurant or food stall. They regulate grease trap installation by requiring food businesses to submit a grease trap proposal before setting up a waste waster collection system.
Make sure that you get the approval of the PUB first before buying an HDPE grease interceptor.