Greasly grease separator is designed to remove grease contaminants from waste water. The separator was developed in full accordance with the requirements of EN 1825 standard.
What is a Grease Trap?
A grease trap is an essential part of a commercial plumbing system that is designed to separate greasy substances from wastewater. This ensures that grease, oil, and similar particles won’t enter the disposal system when wastewater flows from the sink to the sanitary pipes. It is used to prevent blockage in water treatment facilities, sewerage, and septic tanks. It’s also called a grease separator or a grease interceptor.
Purpose and Uses
Singapore’s National Water Agency, the PUB, requires kitchens of food stalls, cafés, catering outlets, and restaurants to install grease traps or grease interceptors.
The reason behind this policy is to avoid the excessive discharge of grease and oil from kitchen sinks into the sanitary system. PUB prevents the possibility of clogging in the internal sanitary pipes and the public sewers caused by greasy substances. The only exception to the grease trap requirement is a permission from the PUB for “Non-Cooking F&B outlets” which contain a small to zero amount of grease in the used water discharge.
You can also install a grease trap in your private residential space to avoid plumbing problems such as clogged sink and pipes.
The two main types of grease separators are a Standard Circular Grease Trap that is usually constructed underground and the Portable Grease Trap which is above the ground. These two are helpful in trapping fat, grease, and oil so that they won’t cause any clog up in the sanitary systems. They also ensure public health and environmental hygiene in eating and food establishments.
How does it work?
Both types of grease traps act as reservoirs. Once the wastewater with solid and greasy substances enter the trap, they all cool down, leaving the fat, oil, and grease hard and the solid food settle. Since fat and greasy substances are lighter than water, they float to the top of the grease trap.
As a government policy, the PUB and the National Environment Agency work hand-in-hand to ensure that grease interceptors are effective in maintaining public safety. As such, they require only PUB-approved grease traps to be installed in food establishments.
This simply means that if you have a food establishment, you need to propose a layout for wastewater disposal, including a grease trap design, submit it to the NEA, and send it to PUB for approval.
These grease traps shall be installed and maintained in such a way that the effluent from the grease traps shall meet the standards for discharging into the sewerage system.
Storage and Maintenance
A PUB-approved grease trap or grease separator must be installed and maintained by the owners of the food establishments. They are required to do regular inspections to ensure that the grease interceptors are in good condition and safe from spills. Ultimately, they must ensure that it does not pose any risk to public health and safety.
We highly recommend High Density Polyethylene or HDPE grease traps for commercial establishments because they are very durable and cost efficient. They last for 10 years or more as compared to grease separators made out of cast iron with an average lifetime of only 5 years. HDPE grease traps are sealed with thick and dense gaskets to ensure zero chance for leaks and spills.


Biological Waste Treatment